Wednesday, June 23, 2010

bloukrans jump video - USA!

the name of the video on youtube is "Blaukrans jump by Hal Sandstrom". You can find it by searching for "Blaukrans jump". The real name of the bridge is Bloukrans, so my video should be near the top of a fairly short list of me & some Germans who also think they know better how to translate "blue cliffs" into pidgeon dutch.

I have to say I can't stand how I look in all the various closeups, but I thought my dive form was not bad. My jump happened during a nice weather break in an otherwise stormy day. They gave me a free shot of tequila and a cup of coffee in the "Cliffhanger's Cafe" before setting out. The views of the snow-covered Tsitsikamma mountains from the catwalk & jump site were at once uplifiting and calming. Despite how I look in the video, I was not overly scared. I'd watched roughly a dozen people jump before me. Once airborne the feeling was amazing. My jump group was fun and mutually supportive, and the face-adrenalin staff were fantastic. This should not be missed if you're ever driving the Garden Route.

football update: we caught the final 30 minutes of USA - Algeria at a Logan gate area bar this morning upon completing 24 hours of flying (Cape Town - Jo'burg - Atlanta - Boston). we were so psyched! Some Logan travelers seemed to know why Raisa and I were blowing our vuvuzelas (plastic "impala horns") in the terminal at the moment of victory, but generally mercans are still oblivious to world sport.

well done Landon! now we must get our revenge on Ghana for what happened in '06. hopefully later on we'll get revenge on Germany for what happened in '02.

This will most likely be my last posting on this blog. I hope it's brought a little South African winter cool to my vast and adoring readership. send comments! Ayoba!


  1. Whatta rush! That's an unbelievable drop and great wrap-up to the trip, sir. And how did we get matched up against Ghana and Germany? History repeats itself so soon.

  2. Nice jump Hal! It would've taken me 10 shots of tequila for me to jump off :)
    I'm glad US qualified, their next game is with Ghana..both are the teams that I like.
